OUTRAGED NYC MOM TACKLES NFL: My child saved my life, but Super Bowl Bowl commercial makes me feel victimized all over again

Outraged mom tackles #SuperBowl domestic violence adHELP ME PUBLISH OUR STORY: Please donate today: http://www.gofundme.com/JoseesMomstress and pregnancy domestic violence and pregantI enjoyed half of my pregnancy. To be able to say that after all that I went through is a true testament to God’s grace over my life. That’s why seeing the NFL’s #SuperBowl commercial made me feel victimized all over again.

I remember thinking: “How can this be happening?” as I was flying across the room while pregnant with my fiancé’s child. I remember thinking, “God, if you save my baby I promise I’ll leave him” as I crawled on my tummy through the hallway to another room, shut the door and called 9-1-1. I remember how fearful I was when the EMTs came to the apartment and asked how it happened. “I fell.” I said. It was true but I didn’t say I fell after being beaten by the man who promised to love me forever. When they put me in the ambulance and shut the door, the male EMT said, “Okay, lady. You’re safe now. We know exactly what’s going on so tell us, what really happened?”

New York City – where the NFL is based – is notorious for taking children from mothers of domestic violence for “Failure to Protect” the child from domestic violence. Yet, despite releasing a million dollar Super Bowl commercial, the NFL shows that is continuing to remain clueless on what it really takes for women like me to survive domestic violence. My child is lucky to be alive after our abuser punt kicked me in the stomach. My child was born premature with low birth weight as a result of the domestic violence and we have half a million dollars in medical bills to prove it.

Like nearly all domestic violence promotional ads or material, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell’s publicity stunt in the form of a Super Bowl commercial offered absolutely no real help for victims. The commercial did not say the NFL is funding a national housing drive for women in cities where the league has teams. The commercial asked people to look for domestic violence, did not tell them what to do if they found it, tell the women where to go after they report it, offer financial or housing assistance if they left.

I am so sick and tired of people saying, “Just leave” to domestic violence victims without telling us where to go, how to get there and who will pay for it. The number one cause for homelessness for women and children in America is Domestic Violence. Last time I checked, the NFL wasn’t announcing an emergency fund for victims to get out, get a new place to live and to stay safe. One commercial cannot erase the years the NFL has hid cases for its players, coaches and owners. If the NFL donated the cost of one advertisement to an annual “Starting Over House” rental and eviction fund for NYC domestic violence victims, lives could be saved. Continue reading

MOM HAIR: Taraji P. Henson’s hair just might break the Internet. Here’s how to lose the “Mom Hair” and get sexy with Hairfinity hair vitamins

TheSingleMomClub - Taraji-P-Henson-for-Hairfinity

TheSingleMomClub.com – Taraji P. Henson takes hair vitamins. Should you?

Originally Published August 11, 2014
on TheSingleMomClub.com
Updated January 2015

(www.TheSingleMomClub.com) – With budgets getting tighter by the day, single moms don’t always have the money to hit up the hair salon every week but that doesn’t mean haircare isn’t important to us.

Enter single mommy and award-winning actress Taraji P. Henson, whose hairstyles on the hot new show, “Empire” has people going crazy. Taraji’s character, Cookie, is causing fashion freaks to flip over her Diana Ross, 70s-inspired wardrobe and of course, that hair.

In true single mom fashion, Taraji has found juggling single motherhood and raising a son was one of her biggest challenges. Marcel, her now 19-year-old spokesmodel son, sometimes had to go on auditions with his mother when a baby sitter wasn’t available.

“You have to pay attention to what they’re doing, reading and watching because this world is a very different world than when I grew up,” said Taraji. “They have all this information [on social media] at their fingertips, and you have to pay attention — with eyes wide open.”

Henson is quick to acknowledge, however, that her son is of an age where a simple “no” will no longer do. “I don’t just say, ‘Do what I said’; I give him a reason for it,” she explains.

So, how do YOU get amazing hair like Taraji and juggle single mommy life without sporting “Mom Hair”? How do you get great hair on a budget, see the video at the end of the article. Haircare is the second most searched topic on TheSingleMomClub.com (behind housing related topics) so we know these are questions that we’re all waiting to find the answer to so it’s a good thing you’re a member of TheSingleMomClub.com so that you can find out! Continue reading

BIRTHDAY PARTY TIPS: How to survive co-parenting drama and enjoy your child’s special day

(www.TheSingleMomClub.com) – Holy mother of beejeszuz! Whose freakin’ idea was it to make moms have a heart attack planning birthday parties? I mean, like seriously! Whose idea was this mess?

The cake? The goodie bags? The guest list? Yep, it all falls on mommy’s shoulders! If you are like most single moms, the child support check ain’t gonna cover this one – if the check even comes.

Here are a few tips to survive on a barely there budget!

Continue reading

RECIPE: Delicious, easy to bake, one-pan fish entree from GUEST POST blogger at “Keep It Simple Mommy”

easy to bake fish recipes - weeknight dinner recipes - single mom cooking tips(www.TheSingleMomClub.com) – Want a delicious recipe? Try this delicious, one-pan fish dish from the “Keep It Simple Mommy” blog. If you’re not into fish, you can substitute chicken, pork or even beef. Yum!

Here’s what you’ll need:

Our Guest Mom Blogger says, “Easy does it! Use olive oil to coat your pan then olive oil mixed with seasoning like Mrs. Dash and Sazon. Then, roll the fish or other meat around in the seasoning mixture. Place the seasoned meat in layers into your pan. Place your fresh veggies besides the meat. Drizzle the veggies with Italian dressing. Ready to bake for dinner later”

Cost: $9.00 for the entire meal. Fish on sale 2 bags for $6 and vegetables 2 for $3.00.

What’s your favorite go-to easy weeknight dinner recipe? Share it with TheSingleMomClub.com right now!

LOVE this RECIPE? See many others like it at “Keep It Simple Mommy” blog via Delicious Easy Bake Fish Entree!.

CONFESSIONS OF A WIG-A-HOLIC: Surviving a hair intervention after black hair dye leaves woman in hospital and nearly bald

UPDATE: February 9, 2015 –  Nearly all of my hair has fallen out. I’m down to about two inches in the longest parts and a quarter of an inch in others. Who would have thought blac hair dye would nearly kill me.

Outraged mom tackles #SuperBowl domestic violence ad Help moms like me tell our stories! Please donate to http://www.gofundme.com/JoseesVoice

IMPORTANT UPDATE! – January 22, 2015 – Bigen hair black hair dye left me with extensive chemical burns on my scalp, face, ears and neck. It got so bad that the Bigen black hair dye raction landed me in the hospital! While flying across the country I had to be transported through the airport by wheelchair! If the wind blew, my skin would hurt so bad I would cry. I developed hard knots on my head that felt like marbles. My face tripled in size and was lopsided. Painful puss covered my scalp and I could feel my heart beat from my head. When the swelling began to go down, my face was completely chapped. If I put lotion on my face would burn like I rubbed acid on my face. if I cried, my face and eyes would feel singed. My skin flaked in painful pieces as did my scalp. If I smiled, my lips and lip corners would crack open and bleed. I couldn’t lay down. I couldn’t sleep. My hair is now severely damaged and there is lasting damage. I have been forced to consult product liability and personal injury attorney. I also found out that Bigen black hair dye did the same to many other women and there were lawsuits including a class action. Why is Walmart selling the hair dye? I could have had fatal injuries if I left it in my hair any longer.

Confessions of a Wig-a-holic(www.TheSingleMomClub.com) – Recently, I was the subject of a Hair Intervention. I knew I had a problem and my wig was beyond drunk but I didn’t know what to do about it. It got so bad that a photographer at a friend’s wedding took a photo of the back of my head without me knowing but forgot to delete the pic. Maybe it was mean and meant to be embarrassing or maybe that was a gentle hair intervention but I guess I missed the cues.

Some of the best sex I ever had happened while I wore a wig. I swam in it. Slept in it. You name it, I did it. It was as much a part of me as my toe nails. Even after I jumped in the pool and my wig jumped off my head, I never gave up the wig. Thankfully, I was alone in the pool that day, at least I hope I was.  If he was watching the monitors, the hotel security guard might have had the laugh of his life, but I snatched up my wet ‘do, put it back on my head and went back to swimming (above water that is.”)

Six months later, a good friend recently reached her breaking point. She could no longer sit by and witness my wig misadventures so she took matters into her own hands. She purchased some hair, a cap and hair dye to match the hair. We set a time and she went to work. She was clearly overjoyed. Friends and family got wind of what was going down and text messages began rolling in. One relative even came by my house to witness the new do – and likely report back to everyone else. The hair intervention was one of the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me, but unfortunately it didn’t last a full week before I fell off the wig wagon.

In my defense, I relapsed because of an allergic reaction. Within 12 hours of the weave being sewn into my hair, I began to have itchy eyes and swelling. I thought it was a cold coming on. Then the burning started. My scalp was on fire!

My friend is a very talented, very careful hair stylist so it was nothing she did. She is very skilled at sewing in hair weaves. She does amazing things to her own hair as well as her child. They always look great. In fact, my scalp issues date back to high school when my oldest sister went to cosmetic school and I became a live test subject. I would get third degree burns on my scalp and neck from chemical reaction. I mentioned this to my friend but since we weren’t using any chemicals or glue, we didn’t give it a second thought.

By 3am on the morning of Day Four, I was in bathroom with scissors. I was so grateful that my friend had shared with me how to take out the extensions as she was putting them in. She mentioned the care it took and how to preserve the hair and prevent hair damage. I cut on the string that was sowed into my hair as my friend instructed when she put in weave in. Taking her advice, I lost no hair and detected no hair damage.

My scalp was another issue. Several places on my scalp where I had scratched or rubbed too much had turned to sores with puss oozing out. The puss hardened and acted as a protector for the sores, which hurt if the wind would blow but will heal. Other than being very itchy, tender and instantly relieved, there was no lasting damage after removing my weave. Had I left the weave in much longer, who knows what might have happened. After the weave was out, I knew it was first and last experience with weave. But I also knew the hair intervention worked. I was instantly in love with my natural hair. I vow to take care of it.

Although the weave was not for me, what my friend did for me will certainly change my life. I am not sure why I let my hair go – it had been nearly a year that I had on the same wig.  I know I will never let it happen again. For the first time in forever, I am happy to be nappy.

ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO YOUR WEAVE? Here is how to tell:
1) Scalp feels like it’s on fire
2) Random bumps pop up on face or neck
3) The hair touching your skin makes you itch or irritates you
4) You scratch so much you make sores in your scalp
5) Sleeping is interrupted

READ THIS IF YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE: http://www.clutchmagonline.com/2014/07/want-braids-allergic-synthetic-hair-solutions-hair-alternatives/


If you’re going to survive a hair intervention and rejoin the world, there are a few things you’ll need. Here are some products that gave my scalp relief after the allergic reaction:

1) 100% pure Shea Butter

2)  Pantene Sheer Volume Conditioner (As soon as it hit my scalp, my eyes would roll in delight.)

3) Rat hair comb for scratching

4) Leave-in conditioner in a spray bottle

5) Scissors to cut that damn thing out if your hair

Bigen hair dye powder may be the reason my scalp became infectned and I was allelrgic to the black hair dyeUPDATE: About two hours after I posted, my allergic reaction turned to potential medical emergency. The left side of my head and ear began to swell and a half dollar sized soft knot appeared. I raced to the pharmacy, spoke to a clearly grossed out pharmacist who said I needed to see a doctor because the infection could spread to my brain and be harmful. He recommended Scalpicin for my itchy scalp and Benedryl for the allegeric reaction. What’s worse, the exact same wig that led to my hair intervention is back on my head. I plan to get the wig off for good as soon as I see a doctor and determine that I will be ok.

My friend the home hair stylist pointed out that I could have had a reaction to the Black hair dye that I used immediately before the weave was sewn in. She is such a good person and very talented so I know I will let her style my hair again, but I have track down what caused my reaction. Keep checking the blog so that I can fill you in on what I find out.


Allergic reaction to black hair dye

Tina had an allergic reaction to Black hair dye and wound up in the hospital


A waitress has told how she feared for her life after hair dye triggered a horrific allergic reaction which left her unable to see for five days. Our stories are nearly identical!

Tina Littlewood, 41, had been coloring her hair for 20 years without any problems when she bought a kit ahead of a trip to visit her son on his Army base.

But hours after applying the Clairol Nice ’N Easy dye, her face had swelled up like a ‘rugby ball’ and became covered in weeping blisters, which doctors later compared to a fire victim’s burns.