MOVIE REVIEW: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 premiere in New York City was epic

SPIDER-MAN 2 premiere in New York City!

( – Last year, I was named a McDonald’s social media influencer, so a few weeks before McDonald’s unveils a new event or toy McD’s sends giftcards, preview toys or invites us to participate in a social media campaign. As a social media influencer with Sony Pictures, I was invited to the red carpet premiere of “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” and private screening in NYC on April 24, 2014.

I am too much of a girly girl to be an authority on comic book movies, so I was thrilled to borrow fellow entertainment writer – and my partner in crime – Tony Williams, his “ready for Hollywood” son Jake and down for anything wife to help me translate the experience.

I arrived on time by media standards, meaning 30 or so minutes late in real time, and Jake had already snagged his first on-camera interview. We were given our VIP credentials and post event tickets and filled out the red carpet bleachers which were used in every cast interview by Entertainment Tonight, MTV News, Insider and PopSugar, among others. We were stuffed with props to wave at the cameras like masks of Spidey, Electrode and others, Spidey t-shirts, and the cutest little bottle of Evian water shaped like Spider-Man.

We saw stars like Chris Cooper, who plays a heartless father but in real life is a humbled actor who autographed all of our masks while saying, “Let’s do this!” We met “The Man in the Black Suit” who was so shocked I recognized him he literally stood in front of us speechless for a full 10 seconds. He finally asked, “Did they tell you to do this? Did you have a cheat sheet?” I confess that I snagged a press release and tipsheet prior but I felt a personal pride for him during the movie. his character is memorable. We saw the sexiest Spider-Man in recent memory, Pharrell, AJ Calloway, who gave me a quick update on his new baby saying, “She’s great! She is my heart!” before dashing off to earn her college fund. We chanted “Kendrick! Kendrick!” and made the superstar rapper blush. His song with Alicia Keys and Pharrell is a big deal in the movie. Biggest hits of the night was veteran actress Sally Field and Jamie Foxx who carried his beautiful daughter, Annalise, as she rocked Afro Puffs.


Later we happily ate pizza and drank kiddie beverages (next time I bring a flask), watched the kids play a not yet released version of the new “Amazing Spider-Man 2” video game and started to feel our feet come back to life. We were given an incredible Spidey swag bag and then screened the movie, which I personally felt was a little too scary for kids. Jake was sitting next to me and laughed hard everytime I screamed and jumped out of my seat like the boogeyman was under it. (Nope, I am not braver than a first grader.) Afterwards, every kid I spoke to – and their parents – said it was “the greatest” and “amazingly awesome!” It really is a must see film packed with surprises – and a Stan Lee cameo – that opens nationwide May 2. Jake’s mom really liked the movie, too, so it even earned a parental thumbs up.